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Resources for Parents / Teachers
We are an educational program that not only provides student incursions, we also offer parent/teacher workshops and resources. We do this as we recognise that prevention programs are highly successful when part of a community effort.
The following are some links and resources that we hope are of value to parents, caregivers & teachers.
Workshop Handbook
You can contact us to download the following handbook that is associated with our parent workshops:
Building Resilient Kids
How to Drug Proof Your Kids
Bully Proofing Your Kids
Seeking Advice
Parentline (Vic.) 13 22 89
Parentline (NSW) 1300 1300 52
Parentline (QLD & NT) 1300 30 1300
Parentline (SA) 1300 364 100
Parentline (WA) 1800 654 432
Parentline (ACT) (02) 6287 3833
Parentline (TAS) 1300 808 178
Internet Safety
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